
Unifrog is a complete destinations platform that allows students to search for opportunities and make applications for their next steps.

As we continually develop our IAG (Information Advice and Guidance) offering to all students in the Trust, we have invested in an online application called Unifrog. Unifrog helps schools deliver their statutory duty to provide students with impartial and independent guidance on their full range of options

Unifrog brings into one place every university course, apprenticeship, and college course in the UK, as well as other opportunities such as School Leavers Programmes and every college at Oxford and Cambridge. This makes it easy for students to compare and choose the best university courses, apprenticeships or further education courses for them.

Additionally the platform helps students write their personal statement, applications and CVs by guiding them through the process and allowing teachers to give feedback.


  • Read profiles on over 900 different careers and learn how to get in to them
  • Explore potential university subjects suited to your interests and skills
  • Complete a MOOC to develop interests and explore subjects in depth
  • Search Unifrog to find the most suitable university courses for you
  • Build effective applications with personal career goals