
Benefit for members

Enrich and enhance the delivery of education and careers

Enrich and enhance the delivery of education and careers to young people in the North Somerset area and create greater awareness of and interest in your sector

Engage with our students

Engage with our dynamic students through work experience, apprenticeship opportunities, networking sessions, and more.

Invites to business partnership events

Invites to business partnership events including our bi-annual business breakfast event

Public recognition of your support

Additional coverage of specific help and sponsorship of events on our social media and newsletters (internal and external to over 12,000 families).

Enhance your Company Social Responsibility (CSR) agenda

Enhance your Company Social Responsibility (CSR) agenda, working with four high performing secondary schools across a wide range of areas.

Company logo displays and promotion

Business Partners logos are prominently displayed in the Reception areas of our four secondary schools, as well as on our Business Partners website and during Business Breakfasts.

Ability to use and promote Partnership status

Ability to use and promote Partnership status – we grant permission for businesses to use our partnership logo on publicity material and to advertise your support of schools within the wider community